Friday, December 12, 2008

Advent & A White Christmas

As a Christian, this is a blessed season. We await Jesus' birth anniversary. I know it was a date picked by the early church that may or may not be the actual day of the year the event occurred. That, long ago, became a moot point to me. Though I have no biological children of my own, I have been blessed with being connected with a young couple that have two sons. And they allowed me to be present in their lives from before both were born. Now almost twelve, their older son is a joy (most of the time) and is in Middle School. At six, his younger brother has just this year started his school years. It gives me pause to remember where I was at their age and what was going on in the world then. We've come a long way, mostly good, and there were many back then who wondered if we could survive as a species or if we'd blow ourselves up.

So as the talk of financial meltdown, bankruptcies and bailouts goes on, my devotional reading this morning reminded me to give thanks in all things. God has granted us many possibilities and immeasurable Grace. May you share with all this wondrous season.

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