Tuesday, December 9, 2008


I'm writing in a little larger font than normal. My glasses are somewhat steamed over, as I just came in from shoveling snow from my sidewalk. One of the joys of home ownership. I had a little more time than I thought I would. I had planned on taking a couple of older ladies on a ride around town to look at the Christmas lights and decorations people have put up. Well, the weather turned a little more "Christmasy" than expected, so we postponed that ride.

I am blessed in having a number of friends, covering a wide spectrum of ages, interests, beliefs and political persuasions. The only reason I bring this up is the current turmoil in Illinois, where the current governor is charged with trying to sell the U.S. Senate seat, vacated by our president-elect Obama, corruption and extortion in a wide range of instances. Living just across the Mississippi River in Iowa, we have a good view on Illinois politics. Suffice to say, dating way back, one of its main hallmarks has been corruption. We can only hope that the stink doesn't rise higher or spread farther. One thing a good hard freeze should do is kill off the bugs, unless they burrow in and cover up with, well, you know.


Norm and Nancy said...

But what if I don't know......will you explain? :-) sorry, I couldn't resist it.

~ N

iowaboy said...

Wonder of wonders
if you seek
you will find
...and know