Thursday, December 18, 2008

Approaching Storm

Today, one week before Christmas, 2008, all seems calm. Writing from Burlington, Iowa, USA, hills above the Mississippi River in SE Iowa have two to four inches of snow on them. It is chilly; some would say cold. Our high temperatures today are predicted to be somewhere around freezing.

But weather forecasters warn us that a nasty winter storm is approaching. Between noon today and noon tomorrow we can expect a mix of freezing rain, sleet and snow. One week before Christmas, shoppers can be expected to add "survival" needs to their lists. Runs on bread, milk and other staples are a definite possibility. Many may be buying electrical generators, in the distinct possibility of losing their power. Others will purchase fuel oil or propane.

Jesus seems amazed when he talks of those in Jerusalem who can predict the weather on earth but can't see the signs of other things coming. In Luke 12:36 He says ,"Hypocrites! You know how to interpret the appearance of the earth and the sky. How is it that you don't know how to interpret this present time?" (NIV)

We often pay attention to what we are most interested in, ignoring that which we don't want to face. Spend time looking with open eyes at the world around you, knowing that God so loved the world.

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