Tuesday, December 2, 2008

To Sit At the Kids' Table

To lead or to follow, that is the question. We all, at different times and different circumstances, do both.

There's a line at the top on the right that you can click on to "follow". Nancy showed the lead by doing these blogs and getting me interested.

Some of you may remember a poem I wrote several years ago with the title of this entry. Most people have memories of family dinners, often either Thanksgiving or Christmas, when the kids would sit at a separate table than the adults. That's what the poem was about, a desire to go back to the simpler times before the responsibilities of adulthood set on. Many of us, including me, no longer have either parent living, and the great host of aunts, uncles, grandparents and sometimes cousins or siblings may be diminishing. If we have been blessed, as I have, with others to fill in the spots around the table, each passing may be viewed with a more even mind. When we also have spiritual guidance and comfort we can view it philosophically.

Gather ye rosebuds while ye may. Each of us has only so much time to make a difference here before we move on, too. May you do your best to make it a positive influence.

1 comment:

Norm and Nancy said...

No truer words ever....I know that I've had several friends pass over in recent years and one sister - each with an serious illness, each with a death that was expected, even planned for in a way...each that gave me a little time to prepare myself for the loss.

However, with my brother-in-law, David's, recent and violent and totally random murder, I find myself in cold, rough sea as I try to put some sense to it all....and keep my head above water.

Gather ye rosebudes folks TODAY. You just never do know....